COME JOIN US We invite you to come and join us at HFBC as we seek to worship our Saviour Jesus Christ

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Hanceville   FBC

Worship Services

Our Worship Services start Sunday Mornings at 10:30am.  Services are a blended worship style lead by Richard Bolin. We believe that true worship is not a particular style or method but in the attitude of the heart before God.  We also hold to the importance of sound scriptural teaching.

Small Groups

We have several small groups from traditional Sunday School style to contemporary style Life Groups.  It is through these groups that Friendships and Discipleship are developed among the community at HFBC.  We encourage everyone to find a small group to get involved with.

Children’s Ministry

We have an exciting Children’s Ministry at HFBC that continues through 5th Grade.  We walk our children through a chronological approach God’s word with music, age appropriate Bible stories, and games.  

Student Ministry

Pursuit Student Ministry is designed for those in grades 6th through 12th.  Its goal is to challenge and equip students to pursue Jesus with all their heart, soul, mind and strength.
COME JOIN US We invite you to come and join us at HFBC as we seek to worship our Saviour Jesus Christ

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Small Groups

We have several small groups from traditional Sunday School style to contemporary style Life Groups.  It is through these groups that Friendships and Discipleship are developed among the community at HFBC.  We encourage everyone to find a small group to get involved with.

Worship Services

Our Worship Services start Sunday Mornings at 10:30am.  Services are a blended worship style lead by Richard Bolin. We believe that true worship is not a particular style or method but in the attitude of the heart before God.  We also hold to the importance of sound scriptural teaching.

Children’s Ministry

We have an exciting Children’s Ministry at HFBC that continues through 5th Grade.  We walk our children through a chronological approach God’s word with music, age appropriate Bible stories, and games.  

Student Ministry

Pursuit Student Ministry is designed for those in grades 6th through 12th.  Its goal is to challenge and equip students to pursue Jesus with all their heart, soul, mind and strength.